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VARFA is a philanthropic organization dedicated to enhancing healthcare awareness, with a specific focus on vaccinations in Africa. We actively seek charitable donations and partnerships with organizations, nations, individuals, and companies, aiming to connect nations, partners, and people to promote health and serve the vulnerable.

Vaccines have effectively eliminated infectious diseases such as smallpox and polio, and it is now imperative to extend their impact to include HPV, malaria, meningitis, yellow fever, and pneumonia. Confronting these diseases offers a substantial opportunity to prevent cancer and other preventable illnesses, marking a pivotal moment in our endeavors to improve public health in Africa.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Benjamin Franklin


Empowering Africa through knowledge, our mission is to establish a comprehensive vaccine information platform. We strive to promote health, eradicate misinformation, and enhance vaccine awareness, fostering well-being and resilience by providing accessible resources for all communities continent-wide.


Our vision is to witness an Africa liberated from vaccine-preventable diseases, marked by a reduced mortality rate, elevated life expectancy, and communities flourishing in sustained well-being. We aspire to cultivate a continent marked by enduring health and prosperity for generations to come, fostering collaborative partnerships that unite communities, governments, and global health organizations in this shared pursuit.


To achieve our vision of a vaccine-preventable disease-free Africa with improved health outcomes, our goal is to implement comprehensive vaccination programs, educational initiatives, and community engagement efforts. We aim to reduce mortality rates, elevate life expectancy, and ensure flourishing communities, fostering enduring health and prosperity. We will actively establish and strengthen collaborative partnerships, uniting communities, governments, and global health organizations to collectively work towards this shared pursuit of a healthier Africa for generations to come.


To facilitate donors and partners in achieving philanthropic goals. To enhance awareness among vulnerable communities in rural areas through educational workshops and media campaigns. To annually organize a minimum of 20 medical camps in collaboration with Ministries of Health, reaching schools in at least five African countries. To secure $500,000 in annual funds for providing vaccines, reaching a minimum of 100,000 individuals through strategic partnerships, donors, and sponsors. To attain a 20% reduction in mortality rates related to targeted diseases within the next five years.


VARFA offers companies the opportunity to fulfill their CSR agenda through involvement in a social philanthropic project/organization. CSR is the practice of businesses taking actions to benefit society beyond their financial interests.


Given the choice between vaccines for all ailments and health insurance, I'd prioritize vaccines for their preventive power. Yet, recognizing the absence of vaccines for every illness, why not strive for both vaccines and health insurance – an investment in safeguarding our well-being comprehensively.


This project originates from the stark reality of insufficient awareness and neglect of crucial vaccines in Africa, resulting in avoidable deaths. Diseases like HPV, Malaria, Meningococcal Meningitis, Pneumococcal Disease, and Yellow Fever persist due to inadequate attention. Malaria, once a leading cause of death, is now preventable through vaccination. The global impact of HPV-related cancers emphasizes the need for heightened awareness. Personal experiences drive our motivation, realizing preventable diseases claim lives. Despite preventability, diseases persist due to insufficient awareness and vaccination coverage in Africa. Committed to disseminating knowledge, we advocate for accessible preventive care through vaccination, believing awareness can save lives and create a healthier future for Africa.



In Kenya, infants till nine (9) months typically receive vaccinations, but as children grow older, many parents overlook the importance of continued vaccination. 


Infants Vaccines

  • At birth: BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine)

  • Week 6 and 10: Rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix)

  • Week 6, 10 and 14: Oral polio vaccine; DPT, Hepatitis B and HIB; Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV 10)

  • 6 months: Measles vaccine, Vitamin A

  • 9 months: Measles vaccine, Yellow Fever vaccine



Compounded by the lack of hospitals in rural areas where home births are common, it becomes crucial to encourage adults, unsure of their vaccination status, to consider re-vaccination. This emphasizes the significance of promoting and providing essential vaccinations for all age groups in Kenya.


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Vaccine Awareness Raising Foundation Africa

The Hive, Rue du Néant D'avril 150,

1217 Meyrin, Switzerland

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